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Team & Leadership Development

A team-based approach is fundamental to most modern organisations. The reliance upon project teams to drive change and innovation is cruial in todays highly competitive business environment.

Now more than ever, people need to have “TeamSkills“ which are on par with their functional/technical skill sets. However many have had little training and coaching in this important core area. When the fundamental outcomes of team building have been achieved, the second phase of Team Development will accelerate your team's journey towards peak performance. A Team Development program will provide the team skills and operational framework for individuals and the team to reach its full potential.

We are all different at work.  Understanding what motivates people is one of the greatest challenges facing mangers today, because if we know why people behave the way they do, we can develop greater understanding, better relationships and a happier work environment.  This of course leads to bottom-line benefits.

why some individuals, teams, and organizations perform,
work effectively and achieve their objectives,
while others fail or couldn't achieve their desire performance.



Team Development for High Performance Outcomes

How often have you heard "well it was fun, but not much more" or "too much touchy feely stuff!" in regard to outdoor training.

That is why we have become leaders in Team Development integrating experiential training and Team Management Wheel concepts. ADEVNTURE@WORK consultants are accredited educator in the McCann-Margerison Team Management Systems Workplace Behavioural Pyramid:


At ADVENTURE@WORK we believe experiential activities combined with tested 'process tools'such as TMS, improve retention of learning and application back into the workplace.

Half/One/Two/Three-day customized Team Development programme

Every program is designed specifically to match the needs of each team, some key components of our Team Development Programs include: 

  1. A Process for Teamwork - The Team Wheel    
  2. The Team Make-Up - Work Style Preferences
  3. Working with Difference - Interpersonal Skills
  4. Team Balance
  5. Operational Framework - The Team's Charter

Venue: Indoors/Outdoors
Technical requirements: LCD projector, overhead projector, flipcharts, whiteboard( mobile ), ropes challenge course ( as and when required )

Group size: 15 -35 ( larger groups on request )

Duration/Format: Teams will be at different stages of development and hence have different needs. Following an assessment with you we will design a program ranging from 1 - 3 days. An offsite residential format is preferable for the 2 and 3 days programs which use an indoor/outdoor format incorporating experiential activities to assist comprehension of Team Wheel Concepts. Outdoor activities also have a strong bonding effect and accelerate the teambuilding process.

Programs At A Glance

OD HR Dianostics

Team & Leadership Development

Motivational Talks
