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OD HR Diagnostics

From training to selection needs, to understanding organisational dynamics and improving performances, ADVENTURE@WORK is the leading provider of team management and human resource instruments.

Team Management Systems (TMS) - Practical Solutions for HUMAN RESOURCE CHALLENGES

Every year billions of dollars in productivity are lost due to inefficiences, conflict, absence, attrition and poor communication. TMS offers practical solutions to these challenges. TMS provides a framework and a language which not only helps individuals and teams recognise their strengths and weaknesses, but also helps people discover their potential to excel in the workplace. And, when your people excel, so does your organisation.

Applications of Team Management Systems - The flexibility of Team Management Systems allows it to be used in any organisation or industry. TMS has been used to address many challenges faced by organisation world-wide.

Who use it before? - Used by both public and private sector, TMS has assisted almost 1 million people, in more than 100 countries.

PricewaterhouseCoopers, Mobil Oil, MMI Insurance, Orica Explosives, BOEING, Ansett, Ernst & Young, Westpac Banking Corporation, Taxation Office, GENERAL ELECTRIC, Sony, Glaxo Wellcome, BP, American Express, Ericsson, Siemens, ANZ Bank, KPMG, Department of Defence, Department of Health & Family Services...

Who Developed  TMS?

Team Management Systems (TMS) was designed and developed in Australia, by Dr Charles Margerison and Dr Dick McCann. They asked “What make teams successful?“ Drawing on years of experience working with managers and teams worldwide, they created a powerful yet practical set of technique to enhance individual, team and organisational development.

How Valid and Reliable is TMS?

A rigorous and ongoing research programme is carried out by the Institute of Team Management Studies and results are published regularly. Data has been collected from more than 100,000 managers in 104 countries.

Want to know more about TMS ?



Imagine if your team member can master their own perceived reality, as well as others. Imagine being able to powerfully communicate what you desire and gain the support for these ideas, as well as winning what you want without the other party feeling they have lost. The key is understanding what motivates you, your team, and others; and tapping into people's respective realities to obtain high performing team goals.

Unlike other personality profiles which tend to put you in a pigeon-hole. The Motivation Profile helps you discover your destiny. From your personal characteristics, you'll discover your purpose in life - what Peter Senge calls “personal vision“, and how it affects your career and relationships. Finally, chart a course to achieve professional success.

Motivation Profile helps individual, couples, families, and teams to develop greater understanding of communication and motivation styles and the conflicts they can bring.

Stephen Covey has 3 principles for achieving interdependence:

It's hard to think Win-Win when we are at odds with someone else. The Motivation Profile helps by making our individual communication and motivation styles clearly visible. From this initial understanding we can begin to understand our differences. Then we can begin to adjust what we say and do to be more easily understood.

Motivational Profile in addressing:

Want to know more about MOTIVATION Profile




The foundation of personal and professional lies in understanding self, understanding others and realising the impact of personal behaviour on the people around you. For more than 20 years, the DiSC® Classic (previously known as the Personal Profile System® 2800 series) has unlocked the door to productive communications and relationships for over 40 millions people, worldwide through its DiSC® Dimensions of Behaviour learning approach.

DiSC Dimensions of Behaviour provides a non-judgemental langauge for exploring behavioural issues. It helps people explore behaviour across 4 primary dimensions:

There are many ways of evaluating an individual's skills or approach, and predicting their likely behaviour from the results. At one end of the scale are fairly simple tests designed to evaluate specific skills and abilities, such as an examination or driving test. At the other end of the scale lie batteries of personality tests, designed to build as complete a picture of a person's style and approach, in general terms, as possible.

DISC lies somewhere between these two poles. While it isn't a full 'personality test' or 'psychometric test' in the strict technical sense, it provides an insight into an individual style that is more than adequate to predict the likely trends of their behaviour in the future. It does this by evaluating four key factors in an individual style, rather than the sixteen or more that are often seen in full personality tests (for example, DISC makes no attempt to
measure such factors as intelligence).

This confers the advantage of greater accessibility: while a full test battery will often contain literally hundreds of questions, and take hours to complete, a DISC profile questionnaire contains only twenty-four, and can be usually be performed in fifteen minutes or less. This also provides advantages in the area of interpretation; while the interpretation of results from a full test remains in the province of experts, DISC results are sufficiently well-defined that their interpretation can be almost completely automated.

Programs At A Glance

OD HR Dianostics

Team & Leadership Development

Motivational Talks
